Aces for Africa 2018
Yes, today is the third annual Aces for Africa, a tennis tournament in NYC organized by our Chairman Dave Siegel and Board member Zeynep Inanli (A former tennis pro herself). All our former Champs will be playing but let’s...
Yes, today is the third annual Aces for Africa, a tennis tournament in NYC organized by our Chairman Dave Siegel and Board member Zeynep Inanli (A former tennis pro herself). All our former Champs will be playing but let’s...
Running to support the Shoe4Africa charity on Monday in Boston is Evans Chebet of Kenya!! Thank you Evans. Wearing Bib #7 this Kenyan champion is standing up for Kenyan kids. He is an ace, having run 2:05 an astounding...
I love this picture, it just jumped out when I saw it posted on FB by Manuela and Frank (Shoe4Africa Belgium) as they handed out some clothes, shoes, balloons, candies to the little kids in Iten, Kenya. The smile,...
Thanks to the Prague Marathon for giving us a Shoe4Africa shout out on their race page. Checkout this fab race with a rice history and fast course records. – https://www.runczech.com/en/events/volkswagen-marathon-weekend-2018/index.shtml
“Dans tous les cas, tout le groupe se souviendra de ce séjour au Kenya, encore une fois, grâce à toi.” Thanks to team leaders Bérengère et Patrick. And of course Stephan who brought a team of kids from th...
Africa Outreach! Due to the fact that we are the only Public Children’s Hospital in East & Central Africa means that we get patients from a huge catchment area. Those kids who do not wish (in their own countries)...
Check out this great video and story about a Kenyan grandmother raising funds for our cause. Thank you Joyce, Rose and the team! We are truly honored. https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/ktnnews/video/2000151193/-marathon-granny-64-year-old-runs-charity-marathons
Congratulations to both Dickson Chumba who won the Tokyo marathon in 2:05:30, and to Amos Kipruto, who finished in third place (2:06:33) earlier today. The first of the year’s major marathons. Dickson and Amos were at the Shoe4Africa Children’s...
It is all the buzz right now, as it works, is healthy (we say) and is reported to be working so much that Gold Medals are being won. We are honored that it is not only Germany pushing this...
Ashley is doing a fantastic job, they are at $37,000 to help make huge change in the education of kids whilst at the Shoe4Africa Children’s Hospital. Thanks Ash and to the peeps at the Harbour School who are behind...