Home > Causes > Sponsored Runners > Alix Talkow’s 2024 NYC Marathon

shoe4africa - make the difference!

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Dear Family and Friends,

For the second year in a row, I will be running in the TCS New York Marathon in order to raise funds for a groundbreaking initiative – the construction of sub-Saharan Africa’s first children’s cancer hospital. It’s disheartening to acknowledge that, currently, 9 out of 10 children diagnosed with cancer in this vast region do not survive. The need for urgent intervention is evident, and that’s why I am running for Shoe4Africa, an organization committed to making a difference.

Shoe4Africa has already achieved a significant milestone by building East & Central Africa’s first Public Children’s Hospital, which has provided crucial care to over 1,000,000 children. Now, we aim to take it a step further by constructing a dedicated children’s cancer facility.

I hope you can help me support this meaningful endeavor and reach my goal of $3,000! See how your giving can make a difference in the lives of those in need by viewing Shoe4Africa’s accomplishments here.

Pictured is shortly after my first finish completing the 2023 TCS NYC Marathon. Needless to say… I was hooked!

With much appreciation, a sincere THANK YOU! Your support makes a difference.

If you find yourself in the NYC area on Sunday, November, 3rd, please, come cheer!


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