TCS Sydney Marathon – run with us!
Are you ready to lace up your running shoes and be a hero? This is your chance to make history by joining Team Shoe4Africa at the TCS Sydney Marathon on August 31, 2025—a race like no other, for a...
Are you ready to lace up your running shoes and be a hero? This is your chance to make history by joining Team Shoe4Africa at the TCS Sydney Marathon on August 31, 2025—a race like no other, for a...
Run for a Cause: Your miles will make a big difference by helping raise funds to build the first ever children’s cancer hospital in sub-Saharan Africa, bringing life-saving care to kids in need. Saving kids lives? What better cause?...
A charity looks for Effectiveness, Impact, a solid track record, TRANSPARENCY, and accountability. There are several charity vetting systems, each taking time, forms, and numerous updates and frequent changes. A donor questioned us why are we not rated on...
Thank you @konstanze.klosterhalfen World Champs bronze medalist and European 🏆 for coming to the All4Running club after your training session before this weekend’s @mediomaratonvlc , a race that she has already run in a blistering debut of 65 minutes!!...
A nice day yesterday in Eldoret at the Governor’s office where we had a meeting about improving the education for the county hosting David, Raina, and Evan from Christel House; an amazing program turbo charging education in several countries...
Heroes today can often get lost in the sea of media flooding our inboxes, phones, tablets, computers, and TVs… and all that delivered every day before 9 am. My friend Mike likes to say, “Cute curated images sell more...
A charity looks for Effectiveness, Impact, a solid track record, TRANSPARENCY, and accountability. There are several charity vetting systems, each taking time, forms, and numerous updates and frequent changes. A donor questioned us why are we not rated on...
At the Mary Keitany Shoe4Africa Secondary School in Torokwonin, Baringo County, life for Form Two student Sharon Ngetich is a daily struggle. In this remote region, a cup of clean water is a precious luxury, food is often scarce,...
A big shout out to the honorary chair of the Manchester Road Race, Sally Kipyego, who has been an ambassador with us since 2011, or 10. Sally just directed a $600 grant from the kind folks at the event...
All twenty-seven starters finished! Champions, running for purpose. You are all heroes and all added many bricks to the walls of the public children’s cancer hospital that we are building in the ‘City of Champions,’ Eldoret, Kenya. Here’s Eric...