Logo story, the summer of 2007
One day Jeanine Lobell, the lady who created Stila cosmetics, stated our old logo looked like an American football. Since Jeanine was a fashionista icon, I listened! Jeanine said, “I have a designer doing some work for me, I will donate the costs.
I met Suzie Mendive, SUM, over coffee. She heard the story of how I ran with one shoe, one barefoot along the African shore to save my life on Dec 29th, 1999. I told her, “Do anything, but don’t design the African continent and the toes of a foot.”
Suzie went away and returned a week later. Jeanine, a couple of her famous friends, her husband, my good friend (Anthony Edwards–Goose) sat back at the table to view the design. Suzie opened her mac book, “I know you said don’t do it, but it looks too good!” I hated it, but I was outvoted, 100%. So I sent it to a friend, not present. Pieter Langerhorst, the husband of the prolific African road racer, Lornah Kiplagat, and he emailed back, “It is great!”
A variation, by Tom Daly of District Vision in 2018, put the logo inside the wording. See at our Manhattan 5K
The Africa-footprint appears in several ways. But, the first logo that Jeanine did not like? Below is the 2000 to 2006 logo.