From the beginning of our journey, we have always believed that the most important contribution we could make is to invest in the health and education. Without your health, a life is an uphill battle, not just for the individual, but for those around you. Without education how can you learn to stand on your own two feet and help yourself navigate this tough world? We work in Africa where our grants don’t go to anything less than making the biggest impact. Right now, we are addressing the fact 9/10 die in the sub-Sahara when diagnosed with cancers. That number is 1/10 in the USA. Why? Because this vast region does not have a single children’s cancer hospital. This is not equality.
Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, we were able to bring this project to a fore whilst building more schools, educating more kids, taking food/medicine to needy families, and accepting more kids at our hospital; East & Central Africa’s 1st public children’s hospital. These young people need your help, they can’t do it alone. That’s why your continued support means the world to us, and them. With your help, we can change the world for these kids.
#givingtuesday #givingback #africachildrens