Home > Conflict of Interest Policy

To be printed out and signed by any entity partnering with Shoe4Africa.

This agreement is made and entered into by Shoe4Africa and between [Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) and its employees, agents, and representatives (hereinafter referred to as “Company Personnel”) and applies to any potential working agreement between Shoe4Africa and the Company.

WHEREAS, the Company seeks to conduct business with Shoe4africa in a fair, open, and impartial manner, in accordance with Shoe4Africa’s legal and ethical standards.

WHEREAS, Shoe4Africa recognizes that any government officials or their relatives should not be involved in any way that results in a possible conflict of interest, actual or perceived, whether financial or otherwise in business to bid for a project financed by Shoe4Africa that will be ultimately handed over to the government.

WHEREAS, Shoe4Africa seeks to maintain the integrity of any partnership process by implementing appropriate measures to avoid any potential conflict of interest be it perceived or actual.

NOW THEREFORE, the proposed company wishing to partner with Shoe4Africa and its Personnel agree to the following provisions:

1. No Company or individual associated with the Company shall be eligible to participate in any procurement or tender process to work with Shoe4Africa if they have a current or prior association/relation with any government official who has, or has had, a direct or indirect interest in the company that wishes to attain a project being sponsored by Shoe4Africa that will be handed over to a government entity upon completion.

2. Any such association shall be disclosed in writing to Shoe4Africa, including the name of the government official and the nature of the association.

3. Shoe4Africa, when granting public funds to an overseas project, reserves all rights to cancel a tender should any conflict of interest, actual or perceived, be recognized.

4. Shoe4Africa will implement appropriate measures to monitor and enforce this agreement, including tracking of disclosures, investigations of potential conflicts of interest, and imposition of sanctions or penalties if necessary.

5. Shoe4Africa expects Company Personnel shall comply with all provisions of this agreement, refrain from participating in or influencing any procurement or tender process on behalf of the Company, if there is any potential conflict of interest.

6. Failure to comply with the provisions of this agreement may result in disciplinary action, including termination of any partnership.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company and its Personnel have executed this agreement as of the date and year specified below.
[Name of Authorized Signatory]
[Title of Signatory]

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