still in Kenya
I am still in Kenya and yesterday had a conference call with an American University and the Moi Referral using my trusty cell phone! Tomorrow a blind triple gold Olympian, an ambassador of the United Nations, from...
I am still in Kenya and yesterday had a conference call with an American University and the Moi Referral using my trusty cell phone! Tomorrow a blind triple gold Olympian, an ambassador of the United Nations, from...
Being in Kenya is great apart from fund raising; this part does not happen. I was hoping that by August I would be further along with the money side...
Oops, sorry for the long delay, I could not find access. Right now I am in Nairobi finding out what the World Bank is doing. Sadly it looks like their funds will not become our funds, but......
Next week I fly back over to Kenya. I make this trip so often I can do it in my sleep, in fact I wish! I hate flying such a long distance as I feel that time is wasted....
We have ten (now EIGHT) more spots for the marathon - thanks! Wanna run the ING New York City Marathon, be on our super team??? Email ASAP -- our first thirty sold like hot cakes!
Kenya's answer to the Baby faced Assassin. This young lady has the potential to break the world record 10,000m
Downtown up town, bagel town central park -- yesterday I was all over the place, but flowing good. Now I live uptown I hate coming down to just go back up to later go down, but when all things...