In the Neuro-Burns ward is Broton Rutto; he was burnt on a fateful afternoon on 245th August 2017. His mother, Nanjala, had left him sleeping as she had rushed to fetched food from the groceries stall. she got back and found her shack house burning up (the source of the fire is not yet known up today). She rushed in to save her son who was by then crying in pain and half of his body was already burnt.
Quickly she picked up her son and rushed him to Kapenguria district hospital using a motorbike and he was immediately transferred to Ortum hospital which is much better in terms of facilities but as the burns were so severe, he was then transferred to Shoe 4 Africa Children’s Hospital by ambulance. Here he was received well and has undergone surgery and is continuing with consequential surgeries which has greatly improved his condition.
Faith Nanjala is a single mother with two children. Her first born is 2 and a half years old and Broton is second born at 8 months. She has no formal job and solely depends on odd jobs that come her way, mostly washing people’s clothes in order to feed her children. Her first born now lives with the aunt who also has her own children to feed. She too survives by the grace of god.
Nanjala has not been able to work for three months. Anyone who wants to surprise her and send her a little something can do so directly through her mobile using mpesa: 0792832824 or by contacting Shoe4Africa. Thanks