On the Pepsi Lipton website
Proud to be announced!
A really sweet letter
Dear Hannah Zilkowski -- thank you SO much. I have been carrying this letter around for months, and tried to locate...
Alton Central School!
Many thanks to the Alton Central School! They, led by Laurie Griggs, conducted a fund raiser after a Social Studies course that explored the Power of One'. The 8th grade students researched charities doing work in Africa....
Michael Kugler – Urban Bettag; stars!
I can't say enough good things about two guys - Michael Kugler & Urban Bettag who are the foundation of Shoe4Africa Germany. In the charity business they say 95% of all leads don't materialize....
Loredana…. a teddy bear story
Three years ago I received this moving email from a runner friend I had met the second week of...
The Economist article Aug 14
Very interesting article that I missed last year in the Economist. By 2100 half of the children in the world, by looking at current trends, will be African. How will the continent self-sustain when it is today struggling feeding...
Red Nose Day
It is a British thing that got its way over to the USA. So far raising a billion dollars and now after the premier on NBC $21-million for children's poverty. It is my hope that one day shoe4africa could...
Dave Siegel… in the news, marathon man
I have known Dave Siegel for years, he is a helper and a do-er. I admire that trait and was honored when he stated an interest to lend his expertise and time (and legs) to help