Revived hope for Dorcas after Successful seven needles extraction.
Lost hope was renewed after a baby was successfully operated on at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Shoe4Africa children’s hospital . Dorcas Chepchumba , 3, was discovered to have 7 needles in her back which is a strange occurrence, after an x- ray was done at Kapenguria Teaching and Referral Hospital where she first sort medical attention.
“She used to complain of stomach pain for some period of time until I decided it was time to seek medical attention,” said her grandmother, Emily Chepchirchir. She added that Dorcas lived with her mother at her matrimonial home where the condition started. The child consistently said that she did not know who had done that to her.
Dorcas was brought to Shoe4Africa on 2nd day of May,2018 and the operation was successfully done on 5th May,2018 after a thorough consultation among the surgeons.
“Seeing that two of the needles , I was in great panic but hoped for the best,” said Emily.
“I am thankful to the doctors because they gave my grandchild a second chance in life, may God bless them”, she added.
The grandparents are happy for the care received at the Shoe4Africa Children’s hospital.
By EadDulo