Thanks to Patrick Motyl, giving us help from a French angle. Mobilizing supplies for the hospital and for one of our schools, also translating for us, coaching a new generation of young sports people and bringing them the gift of compassion and understanding.
Bringing a team of young people from the French School of Dubai they were immersed in Kenya culture, (photo) here bonding with Coach Timo Limo at the High Altitude Training Center in march. They trained each day at 6 am! They spent the whole day on their feet running round helping the community and experiencing life far different from their own.
We hear that Patrick has now moved on from teaching in Dubai but these kids will never forget their two weeks in Kenya, or will the Kenya kids forget their kindness. Thank you Patrick – we wish you well in your next job!
Hi, Toby,
I know you want to improve your French. So….
Ce projet est réussi en grande partie grâce à ta présence. Malgré toutes les contraintes et les sollicitations qui sont les tiennes, tu as consacré un temps précieux pour nos élèves. Ta gentillesse, ton écoute, ta disponibilité, ta pédagogie ont touché chacun d’entre eux.
This project was successful largely thanks to you. Despite the fact that you are extremely busy, you have spent some precious time with our students. Your kindness, listening, availability and your pedagogical talent have touched everyone of us.
Le safari s’est déroulé dans de très bonnes conditions malgré les ralentissements entre Nairobi et le Masai Mari (7 à 7 h 30 pour 240 kms). Les enfants sont été émerveillés. Tu trouveras des photos, jour après jour, sur le blog que j’ai créé : https://caprunningblog.
The safari took place in very good conditions despite the bad traffic between Nairobi and the Masa Marai (7 h and 7 h 30 for 240 kms). Our students were amazed by the nature. You will find photos, day after day, on the blog I did : https://caprunningblog.
Je vais également réalisé une vidéo. LINK
I’m going to make a video as well.
Dans tous les cas, tout le groupe se souviendra de ce séjour au Kenya, encore une fois, grâce à toi.
Anyway, the whole group will be remember this trip to Kenya, again, thanks to your help and presence.
Un grand merci.
A huge thank you.
Amitiés. A bientôt.
Bérengère et Patrick.
************* No, all the thanks go from us at Shoe4Africa, to you Patrick for making change!